CorePro LEDcapsuleLV 2-20W 830 G4


Ruko Serua Indah Residence, Jln. Serua Raya no. 6-7 Reni Jaya - Bojongsari - Depok , Jawa Barat 16517
 Telp : 021- 7419460/021-7494545 Fax : 021- 7419460 
Contact Person : Tommy Bhong (08.11111.0694 / 0815.160.6771 / 0859.3976.3399)
Whatsapp : 08.11111.0694, BBM : D25E877F  Skype : tommy.bhong2

The CorePro LEDcapsule is a true alternative to the halogen capsule. It is particularly suitable for task lighting and decorative applications in homes, shops, hotels and restaurants. Compatible with existing fixtures with G4 holders and designed for retrofit replacement of halogen capsules, CorePro LEDcapsule delivers huge energy savings and minimizes maintenance costs without any compromise on light quality.